
Friday, January 18, 2008

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How To Get Compensation For Mesothelioma Cancer?

There are various types of cancer. Some of these types are relatively easy to treat and even heal others are more difficult. In average the figure has passed 50% when it comes to full restoration from cancer. But like I said, the variety is large. Mesothelioma cancer is one of the deadliest disease conditions encountered in people living at the areas of industries that manufacture the asbestos and the related materials. The mesothelioma cancer is being treated at the specialized hospitals that take this as a challenge. It is important to note that you won't exhibit signs of mesothelioma until 30-40 years after exposure to asbestos.

There are different stages of the mesothelioma cancer. However, the advanced stages are more difficult to cure. Mesothelioma cancer cannot be called as the lung cancer. If you're hailing from Illinois, you can consult the Illinois mesothelioma attorneys for getting settlement from the defenders.

The cells associated with the development of mesothelioma cancer are seen outside of lung tissues and are also noticed in the areas of abdominal cavity outside of the peritoneal membrane of the body.

Recently subtraction hybridization techniques are being employed in the therapy of these mesothelioma cancer conditions, in addition to the application of the gene therapy.

However, once the cancer stages are in the advanced stages, then the treatment becomes more difficult in reality due to the extensive involvements that are encountered in the affected persons.

Illinois mesothelioma Lawyers are always available like those in case of Chicago to help the victims of asbestos or asbestos containing materials. The lawyers help the affected persons to sue against those who are responsible for such occurrence of cancerous growths.

Many times, the legal representatives come across cases of peritoneal mesothelioma or pleural mesothelioma cases due to the long-standing exposure to this asbestos. The lawyers may not get any consultation fees and they often work on the contingent fees, which is a highly negligible one.

The fee may be paid at the end after the winning of the case against the corporation or the firm that is responsible for the cancerous growths in the pleura or the peritoneum. Through out the USA, the cases are often filed in both Chicago and Illinois. The experienced mesothelioma attorneys are famous for the knowledge on the asbestos and they are capable of finding out the responsible persons for the development of such conditions in the victims.

Page 74

The Benefits Of Cancer Information Are Enormous

Finding out you or someone that you love has been diagnosed with cancer is to say the very least a devastating blow. It will become not only a hard road emotionally, physically but also financially. This is why you need to find as much cancer information as you can. This may be in the form of advice and support from doctors, counselors, specific cancer organizations, family and friends including other cancer sufferers as well. Talking to people who have been in the same situation as yourself can be an enormous support and also a wonderful source of cancer information can be shared.

Apart from speaking to people in person there are other ways to gain more info about this situation. There are many books that you can read both for the patient and or families and friends. I suppose the easiest way to find out more is on the internet. In the U.S alone there are many websites that are full of relevant cancer information. To start with you have the American Cancer Society. Obviously there are many different cancers so there will be many different informative sources on all of them and you will no doubt be looking for a particular type for your own circumstances. But in the end every one who is suffering from any one of these cancers will still need the same help and support regarding coping stategies and so on.

This is where speaking to people in the same situation will be helpful. There are forums and chat rooms that will give you the opportunity to speak to some of these people. It can be very positive to speak to someone who has gone through what you are and now have fully recovered. Just being able to talk about medications and treatments with someone who really understands can be an amazing therapeutic comfort. You must remember that having this illness does not only affect your physical side but also your mental side and this needs to be looked after as well.

Another good reason to find as much cancer information as possible is to find out other forms of treatments that may be able to help you either on their own or as a combination along side of the usual forms. Usually at this time in someone's life things become very confusing with all the medical jargon as well as all the emotional turmoil and the often draining effects of medication and treatments to be able to think properly. This is when you should be gathering up as much info as you can and just taking your time reading through it so you can get a better picture of what is going on and how to make the best of it.

If you are someone who has a loved one that has been diagnosed with this type of illness then you should be finding out as much as you can to be able to do the right things emotionally to help support this person. You also can read up on their particular condition so you can help answer any questions when they arise. Support from family and friends is a very important part of recovery for someone suffering from cancer.

Page 73

Green Tea: Raise a Cup to Your Health!

The Western world is just now catching on to what the Asians have known for 4,000 years, that one cup of green tea has an abundance of health benefits. As a matter of fact, for centuries the Chinese people have been drinking green tea as treatment for everything from depression to headaches.

Today, both the Western world and the Eastern world are conducting studies to produce scientific evidence of the health benefits of green tea. One of the most notable of these studies was published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute In 1994, it discussed how the results of an epidemiological study showed that one of the health benefits of drinking green tea is that it can actually reduce the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese women and men by up to 60%.

Research shows that the heavy presence of a particular catechin polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is an antioxidant, is the main reason why green tea has so many amazing health benefits. At the John Innes Center in England and at the University of Murcia in Spain, researchers have demonstrated that the EGCG in green tea binds cancer cells to an enzyme, which actually prevents them from growing. Thus, this powerful antioxidant can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and can even destroy the cancer cells without harming the healthy cells.

Another notable study was taken by The University of Purdue, which has also done research on how a particular compound that is present in green tea can stop cancer cells from growing.

As if its cancer fighting properties weren't enough, green tea has yet another great health benefit - its ability to lower cholesterol levels as well as to improve the ratio between good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). On top of inhibiting and fighting cancer cells, the antioxidant EGCG can also lower LDL cholesterol levels and stop blood from forming abnormal clots (thrombosis), which is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Compared to other Chinese teas like black tea and oolong, green tea has more health benefits. All of these different teas come from the tea plant Camellia sinensis, but green tea is different in the process by which it is made. Green tea owes much of its wonderful health benefits to how the leaves of the Camellia sinensis are steamed. The steaming process of green tea keeps the EGCG antioxidant from oxidizing. Oolong and black teas differ in that the leaves are fermented instead of being steamed, thus creating a less potent form of the EGCG.

Green tea not only offers medicinal benefits, though, it also has fitness benefits. Green tea has been shown to help a person burn more calories than normal. A study taken on green tea has shown that drinking it regularly can help dieters lose weight. In 1999, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that showed that men who took both green tea and caffeine burned more calories than men who only took in caffeine or a placebo.

And it doesn't end there, green tea also has bacteria-destroying properties. Drinking green tea can actually help prevent tooth decay and may even prevent food poisoning because the substances found in green tea can kill the bacteria that cause food poisoning and those that cause the formation of dental plaque.

So raise a cup to your health! Now that we know of its countless medicinal and health benefits, I'd say it wouldn't be a far stretch to say that green tea is nothing short of a miracle, and now I'm off to get my daily fill!

Page 72

Breast Cancer - A Death Sentence Caused By Neglect

The biggest majority of women who concern themselves over developing breast cancer are the ones who do not even bother to do a self examination (Not all)

Self inspection of the breasts should be a main priority for every woman. Breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth will give better odds for the patient to control the disease with the help of today`s modern medicines and technology.

Breast cancer is common among the female species and can be a death sentence if ignored. By neglecting yourself in this department with absent regular check ups then you can expect a painful road ahead - congested of heartache and pain for those close to you as well. Breast cancer is treatable, so now is the time to set a date in the diary for regular self breast examination.

One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. You will find that most breast lumps discovered early are rated as 9 out of 10 as being benign. Breast lumpiness can be that of breast change which usually becomes more obvious just before the start of a period, particularly in women over the age of 35

Also cysts/sacs of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue causing a feel of lumpiness. Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more notably known to occur in younger women If you notice a change in the shape/size of the breast or a lump even thickening then always check this out with your doctor. Other signs to look out for is dimpling of the skin or nipple shape changing, for example, if the nipple turns in or sinks back into the breast. Blood-stained discharge from the nipple or an unusual blemish or rash around the surrounding area needs to be checked out.

A swelling or lump under your armpit can also be a sign. If you have found that you have any of the above symptoms then seek medical attention right away.

Do not worry at this stage because breast lumps as such do not necessarily mean cancer. However the above mentioned inverted nipple or blood stained discharge etc can mean another type of ailment, either way these will need attention

The doctor will examine the breast and if necessary will refer you to a specialist for further checks. If the results from a mammogram or ultra sound shows a cyst, then to have it removed may entail draining it through a fine needle. If the lump is solid then treatment will be with the use of a very fine needle where a sample of tissue will be taken and tested for cancer cells.

This is a disease you can fight but once it spreads, then the breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival. Early detection can stop this war.

Page 71

Why Radiotherapy Is Used For Multiple Myeloma?

What is multiple myeloma?

Multiple myeloma is a malignant tumour of a type of white blood cell (the plasma cell).

Blood cells of all types are made in the bone marrow, which in adults occupies the central position of bones such as the vertebrae, ribs, pelvis and skull.

Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells that, as a result, make excessive amounts of antibody (termed paraprotein or 'M' band). In common with all cancers, the plasma cells in myeloma are identical ('clonal'), because they originate from a single abnormal cell that starts to multiply out of control. The protein produced is, therefore, also identical ('monoclonal' meaning the product of a single clone).

The main treatments for Multiple Myeloma

Chemotherapy is nearly always the main treatment for myeloma. Radiotherapy and biological therapy are also used. If you are fit enough, your specialist may suggest intensive treatment using high dose chemotherapy with bone marrow or stem cell transplant.

The aim of your treatment is to try to get the disease under control. When there is no sign of active disease in your body, the cancer is said to be in remission.

What radiotherapy is?

Radiotherapy means using radiation to treat cancer. The radiation used is similar to that used for X-rays.

Why radiotherapy is used for Multiple Myeloma

Myeloma can cause a lot of damage to bones. Radiotherapy can treat areas where there is localised bone damage or pain. The myeloma destroys area of bone until it is full of holes, like a piece of lace. Obviously, this weakens the bone. Sometimes it causes it to break (fracture). Radiotherapy kills off the cancer cells in the bone and shrinks the cancer. This reduces the pressure caused by the cancer growth in the bone and helps to reduce bone pain.

Sometimes, a bone needs to be pinned to keep it stable and stop it from fracturing. This is done during an operation. The surgeon puts a metal pin into the bone to strengthen it and hold it together. This is done if there is a strong risk of the bone breaking before radiotherapy has had time to work. If you have an operation to fix a bone, you might still need to have radiotherapy afterwards to kill off the cancer and strengthen the bone.

If you have pain because of very widespread myeloma in your bones, or other treatments for myeloma are no longer controlling your myeloma, your doctor might suggest hemi body irradiation. This means that half your body is treated with radiotherapy at a time - the top half and the bottom half. The treatment is given in 2 halves because having your whole body treated has too many side effects. The damage to your bone marrow would be so severe that you would not be able to make enough blood cells and would be at serious risk of infection. Hemi body irradiation can make you feel sick and tired. Usually, your radiotherapist will prescribe anti-sickness tablets for you to take before each treatment. It is important to take these. They will make a big difference to how the treatment makes you feel.

Page 70

Mammograms for Breast Augmentation Patients

Despite the possibility of your implant rupturing from the pressure, doctors still recommend that women who have undergone a breast augmentation have a mammogram.

Women who are considering breast augmentation should be aware that implants can interfere with finding breast cancer during a mammogram. This is because the implant shows up as a solid white shape, obscuring tumors above or below. In addition to making tumors more difficult to detect, implants cause "false positive" results as well when extensive scarring and calcium deposits mimic the appearance of cancer, making the deposits difficult to distinguish from tumors on a mammogram. Biopsy may be necessary to determine whether these are cancerous.

Specific mammogram techniques have been developed to ensure that as much breast tissue as possible is examined in women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery. This requires taking extra images, called displacement views, which expose the woman to more radiation.

In 2004, Miglioretti and her colleagues published a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicating that 55% of breast tumors were not initially detected on mammograms for women who have undergone breast augmentation surgery, although the extra images were used.

This compares to about 30% of tumors that were not initially detected for women who did not have breast augmentation surgery. These tumors were subsequently detected in later mammograms.

Another problem is that calcium deposits can be seen on mammograms and can be mistaken for possible cancer, resulting in additional surgery to biopsy or remove the implant to distinguish these deposits from cancer. Calcium deposits may be felt as modules or bumps under the skin around the implant.

The displacement views do not protect against rupture, which becomes a greater problem as implants age. Dr. Lori Brown, an FDA scientist, published an article in 2004 in the Journal of Women's Health, indicating that the FDA has received dozens of reports of implants rupturing or leaking during mammography.

Ultrasound and MRIs can be used to detect breast cancer instead of mammograms, but this adds to the cost of screening and may not be covered by health insurance.

The bottom line is to ask yourself if the benefits of breast augmentation outweigh the risks of more serious diseases and complications. No one can answer this question for you, except you and of course, your doctor.

Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know is considering breast augmentation surgery, please seek professional medical advice for the risks and benefits of this type of surgery.

Page 69

Flax Facts - Naturally Healthy Properties Of Flaxseed

The flax seed is an amazing seed indeed - it is a bit larger than a sesame and it has a shell. The flax plant has provided food as well as fiber for clothing as far back as recorded history. Flaxseed oil also contains an omega-3 fatty acid that is being investigated for its ability to reduce risk of many conditions including hypertension, stroke, some cancers and immune and inflammatory disorders and certain skin ailments. Flaxseed oil is highly unsaturated and good for the heart. They are high in fiber and are even thought to be able to treat cancer.

1. Flax Seeds Slow Cancer

As was mentioned above, cancer is one of the things that the simple flax seed can help treat. Eating just a few teaspoons a day is all you need to slow the progression of cancer until you can get some real treatment.

2. Promotes Ovulation And Normal Hormonal Balance

For women trying to get pregnant, the lignins found in flaxseed can promote natural ovulation and extend the progesterone dominant second half of the cycle. Consistent ovulation improves their chances of conception. For women who are experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms such as headaches, sleep difficulties, breast cysts, fluid retention, anxiety, lowered sex drive and heavy bleeding can use flaxseed to help restore normal hormonal balance.

3. Heart Healthy

Flax is an essential fatty acid important for cell membranes, regulation of blood pressure and other functions. This omega-3 acid may reduce blood clotting reducing the chance of a fatal heart attack and lowering total blood cholesterol. It also is known to lower LDL or bad cholesterol. Flax is also found in soybean oil, walnuts and canola oil.

4. Rich In Fiber

You couldn't ask for a more healthy choice - flax is great for your heart and helps to stabilize blood sugar in patients with diabetes. Magnesium also is found in flaxseeds and help to reduce the severity of asthma by keeping airways open and relaxed. It can even cure headaches!

Page 68

Flax Facts - Naturally Healthy Properties Of Flaxseed

The flax seed is an amazing seed indeed - it is a bit larger than a sesame and it has a shell. The flax plant has provided food as well as fiber for clothing as far back as recorded history. Flaxseed oil also contains an omega-3 fatty acid that is being investigated for its ability to reduce risk of many conditions including hypertension, stroke, some cancers and immune and inflammatory disorders and certain skin ailments. Flaxseed oil is highly unsaturated and good for the heart. They are high in fiber and are even thought to be able to treat cancer.

1. Flax Seeds Slow Cancer

As was mentioned above, cancer is one of the things that the simple flax seed can help treat. Eating just a few teaspoons a day is all you need to slow the progression of cancer until you can get some real treatment.

2. Promotes Ovulation And Normal Hormonal Balance

For women trying to get pregnant, the lignins found in flaxseed can promote natural ovulation and extend the progesterone dominant second half of the cycle. Consistent ovulation improves their chances of conception. For women who are experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms such as headaches, sleep difficulties, breast cysts, fluid retention, anxiety, lowered sex drive and heavy bleeding can use flaxseed to help restore normal hormonal balance.

3. Heart Healthy

Flax is an essential fatty acid important for cell membranes, regulation of blood pressure and other functions. This omega-3 acid may reduce blood clotting reducing the chance of a fatal heart attack and lowering total blood cholesterol. It also is known to lower LDL or bad cholesterol. Flax is also found in soybean oil, walnuts and canola oil.

4. Rich In Fiber

You couldn't ask for a more healthy choice - flax is great for your heart and helps to stabilize blood sugar in patients with diabetes. Magnesium also is found in flaxseeds and help to reduce the severity of asthma by keeping airways open and relaxed. It can even cure headaches!

Page 67

Over Weight Induces Breast Cancer

Over weight is considered as the health condition that has uncountable visible and invisible side effects in the form of diseases and with more research on this topic more medical conditions found linked to obesity. Medical conditions like high blood pressure, heart related problems are the common one related to over weight that is commonly understood as obesity. Over weight can even act as source of growth for breast cancer in women. So never even in dreams take over weight as a normal health condition as it is capable of bringing unimagined medical conditions including the highly dangerous like cancer. A study has proved this fact that one in every four cases of breast cancer in post-menopausal women who have not used hormone replacement therapy is caused by weight gain, but the risk can be substantially lowered by losing weight, researchers reported today. If weight loss is extremely urgent affair than put your faith on weight lossmedications meant for quick weight loss like phentermine, phendimetrazine and Adipex.

Researchers found that if the women lost at least 22 pounds, they could reduce their risk of breast cancer by about 40 percent. If they managed to keep the weight off for at least four years, the risk was reduced by 60 percent. So weight loss is the only proved mantra to minimize chances of disease known as breast cancer linked to over weight.

Weight is one of the few risk factors for breast cancer women can do something about," said lead author A. Heather Eliassen, an epidemiologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital. A recent report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is the first to look at the effects of losing weight after menopause. Previous studies have established the connection between fat and breast cancer. Fat tissue produces estrogen, which increases the chances substantially for tumor growth in some kinds of breast cancer.

Other risk factors for breast cancer include a family history of the illness, early onset of menstruation, smoking and alcohol consumption. A recent report, which taken in account opinion of more than 87,000 women for 26 years, confirmed that gaining weight increases the chance of breast cancer.

A recent report has proved the fact that women, who gained 55 pounds or more after age 18, increased their breast cancer risk by 45 percent. Gaining 22 pounds or more after menopause increased the risk of breast cancer by about 20 percent.

Among the women who gained 55 pounds or more throughout adulthood, those who did not use hormone replacement therapy increased their breast cancer risk by 98 percent, while those who did use the therapy increased their risk by 20 percent. If you want to keep the life long tension of breast cancer away from you than always make sure to keep check on your weight. Those women who are obese must start looking for the effective method to bring down their weight as soon as possible. Weight loss medication like phentermine and phendimetrazine are of great help in movement against havoc of term obesity in real life. Life is going to change once again for women who loose their weight to subsidize the chances of cancer occurrence as it was found in recent study that over weight women is more prone to breast cancer.

Page 66

Multiple Myeloma: Commonest Form Of Blood Cancer!

Multiple Myeloma is the commonest form of cancer of blood cells, accounting for 15 per cent of all blood cancers. There are about 2500 new cases per annum in the UK, giving rise to 10-15,000 patients with the condition at any one time. The overall incidence is rising, and is higher in Afro-Caribbeans.

Multiple myeloma is treatable, but it cannot be considered a curable condition.

Types of Myeloma
There is really only one main type of myeloma, but in different people, the cancerous plasma cells make different antibodies. Doctors more often call these antibodies 'immunoglobulins'. In each case of myeloma, only one type of immunoglobulin is overproduced, but this varies from patient to patient. There are 5 basic immunoglobulins - A, G, M, D and E. In myeloma, the commonest one that is overproduced is IgG and the rarest IgE.

Controlling your symptoms
Even if it is not possible to get your myeloma into remission, you can have treatment to help control the symptoms it causes. This may be mild chemotherapy to damp it down. Or you may have radiotherapy to any trouble spots in your bones. Bisphosphonates can also be used to try to slow down the progress of the myeloma. And to reduce the levels of calcium in your blood if this is too high. Your doctor may suggest a treatment called plasma pharesis if the level of abnormal immunoglobulin protein is too high in your blood. Too much protein in the blood can make it too thick and plasma pharesis will take out the excess protein.

Smouldering myeloma
You may also hear the term 'smouldering myeloma'. This is a condition that is much the same as MGUS. The only difference is that the immunoglobulin levels are slightly higher than in MGUS. But they are not rising and the condition is usually stable for long periods of time. There is a risk that the condition will speed up and develop into full blown multiple myeloma.

How does one develop myeloma?
The cause of myeloma is not known. It is not inherited and it is not contagious. In common with other blood cancers there is an increased incidence in patients exposed to radiation.

Page 65

Cancer Sign North Node - Your Soul's Mission and Path to Fulfillment!

The nodes (south and north node) are two points in an astrological chart that possess priceless information about one's karmic past and soul-destined future. Calculated by using the birth data of the individual, the nodes symbolize the unique life path that one is on and can answer many questions about his own, as well as his partner's, inner struggles and desires -- answers that can transform not only his relationship but his life.

Since there are twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also twelve unique nodal positions -- each pair of nodes (north and south) representing two opposite signs of the zodiac. For instance, a Cancer Sign North Node is paired with a Capricorn Sign South Node because they are opposites. And because they are opposites, they create a clear picture of the dualistic struggle that resides within the Cancer north node/Capricorn south node individual.

Often, the individual is unaware of the war taking place inside, a situation that could go on for years. As time passes he is dumfounded by his inability to progress in life - professionally, emotionally, and spiritually. He doesn't understand why he keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again and continues to dwell on the past as he desperately dreams of the future.

All of us have our own set of visible (and invisible) struggles to work through -- obstacles that the Nodes of the Moon can help us isolate and resolve while simultaneously freeing us to move forward on our destined path.

We all know that knowledge is power...and that's why I offer a bit of it to give you the strength and courage you need to not only live, but thrive.

This week I'd like to begin with a brief overview of the Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node position.

To start, let's take a look at some keywords. These words describe the polarity between these two opposing signs and can offer you a glimpse of the soul journey that the individual with this nodal position is on.

Just remember that the south node represents old patterns of being - patterns that have accumulated over lifetimes that now need to be acknowledged and released. The north node, on the other hand, represents the soul's potential - the direction of the future...the behavioral habits that will lead the individual to greater happiness and the kind of life that will fulfill him.

Here are some Capricorn South Node behavioral patterns -- patters that the individual must part with if he is to live an emotionally rich life:

Overly ambitious...pessimistic...insensitive...overly cautious...arrogant...obsessed with the past...disciplinarian...always needs rules...materialistic...unresponsive...stern...stubborn.

Here are some Cancer North Node behavioral patterns that the individual might find foreign at first, but ones that he needs to aspire to if he is to connect to his true potential and the existence his soul both needs and desires:

Nurturing...sensitive...intuitive...maternal...supportive...faithful...tenacious...protective...romantic...values family...devoted...focuses on home...empathetic...emotional.

The journey from a Capricorn south node to a Cancer north node will take some work. But so does everything else that holds so much potential. The key is to never lose sight of the ultimate goal and move towards it until it firmly lies within your hands.

The Cancer north node reveals a soul that has spent numerous incarnations as an opinioned, well-respected, and accomplished member of the community. It worked hard to achieve it's once prominent level of recognition and enters this lifetimes wanting, needing, and pursuing the same prestige it once had.

The Cancer north node individual also arrives with much inner pride. He has vivid memories of the dignified social presence he once had and can't understand why now, in his present life, he is not getting the respect he knows he deserves. As a result, he spends much of his life trying to regain what he feels he has lost.

In addition to pride, the Cancer north node individual also brings with him memories of past hardships as well as the desire to avoid all imperfection; especially within himself. He works harder than most yet fails to accomplish all that he sets out to do. And if he feels that a situation might make him seem inadequate, he will go far out of his way to escape the embarrassment; even if it means making himself emotionally and/ or physically ill.

Karmic residues of materialism and self-righteousness are also not foreign to him. Rarely will he accept the advice of others; secretly thinking that he knows best. Seldomly will he share his honest feelings because he believes in personal privacy and is unable to accept any form of criticism. And being the opportunist that he is, will strategically place himself in situations where there is something to be gained; not hesitating for one moment if offered the chance to use another's weakness for his own benefit. All of this is done secretly of course, as to not damage the respectful image he has worked so hard to create for himself.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you want to look at it, the Cancer north node will ask him to leave his rigid ways behind and to soften his walls when dealing with others. He will be asked to trade his arrogance for emotional honesty and will be shown the benefits of nurturing and being nurtured. And most importantly, he will asked to gradually open himself up to his Cancerian sensitivity. At times he might feel the urge to resist this transformation; feeling comfortable with the habits he has come to know so well. Yet life, being the wise teacher that it is, will certainly make sure that he stays on his soul-destined path.

As time goes by, he will begin to value life and family more than money, emotional connectedness more than calculated control and new creation more than old baggage. His soul will teach him that the rock which was once him, is now ready to give way and allow some water to seep in. His soul will help him see that one of his greatest pleasures and achievements in this lifetime will be to nourish others; both in physical and spiritual ways. His Capricorn south node has overfilled his vessel...and so now it is his turn to share its abundance with those who need it.

Having said all that, it might be a good idea to fill your surroundings with as many symbolic representations of the Cancer Sign as possible. Surrounding yourself with Cancer sign colors, Cancer sign fragrances, and Cancer sign ornaments will remind you of the soul mission you're on and help you find your unique path to fulfillment.

Now if it's your mate that has the Cancer sign north node, and you do that for your mate, well...that's about the greatest gift that you could ever give him/or her. Because there's nothing like the feeling one gets when he realizes that he has found someone who really gets him -- a true friend...lover...and the irreplaceable soul companion he's been searching for his entire life.

...that soul companion who is you!

Page 64

Protecting Cats From Cancer

Cancer does not just affect human beings, cats can also be prone to the ill affects of this deadly disease. I have a cat who is called Pip and in this article I will be writing about my families experience in protecting her from cancer, which the vet has informed us, has ultimately saved and prolonged her life.

Pip is a beautiful and loving cat and is very much part of our family. She is treated like our third child and has what we hope to be a very happy and comfortable life.

I have been surrounded my animals for most of my life as my parents run an animal sanctuary in the Birmingham area of England. I have learnt quite a lot about these different animals and have a particular love of cats and dogs.

Pip herself is ninety-five percent white in colour, the other five percent is black. I am aware that cats which are mainly white are basically at a higher risk of catching a type of skin cancer than other cats. In the summer Pip would always love to sunbathe, basking in the sun. I would ensure that I put sun cream on her, mainly around her ears and tried to encourage to sleep more in the shaded areas of our garden. Pip is however quite stubborn and insisted on resting out of the shade.

Over the years I would check Pip out at regular intervals and one day noticed that she had some little black spots in and around her ears. These spots had not been there the last time I had checked her over and therefore I decided to take her to the vets. I felt confident that everything would be fine but just wanted to make sure.

The vet examined Pip and looked quite worried. He told us that Pip had a form of pre-cancer and that the only way that she would survive, in his opinion, would be to have her ears amputated.

This was very sad but we realised that in a way we had no choice. This all happened four years ago and Pip is still going strong today, unaware of how close she was to losing her life. The vet has stated that if I had not checked her out and brought her in to be examined that the cancer would have spread and that Pip would have only lived for around three to six months.

My advice for anyone who has a cat as a pet, especially if they are white in colour, is to check the cat every week or so and if you spot anything out of the ordinary, to take them to the vets.

Page 63

Breast Cancer, Prevention is The Cure

October has been Breast Cancer Awareness month since 1985. In the coming days, pink ribbons will emerge in abundance, symbolizing the efforts of educational and fund raising events that take place to find the "cure", and offering hope to those already diagnosed. These local and national events will generate millions of dollars. As the "Race for the Cure" continues, how can women incorporate preventative measures into their daily lives? Prevention is the hope that you will not be one of the growing numbers of women being diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

Women are repeatedly told that "early detection is the best protection". Early detection is vital if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but this is not the same as prevention. While researching for this article, I realized that "early detection" is often confused with actual "prevention".

Sue Macleod, a breast cancer survivor and health care professional, observes that since the petro-chemical era of the 1930's, the incidence of breast cancer has risen from 1 in 50 women to 1 in 8 by the year 2000. To date, research continues to explore the links between breast cancer and the environment. The study, "State of the Evidence: What is the Connection Between Chemicals and Breast Cancer?" presented by the Breast Cancer Fund and Breast Cancer Action explores and summarizes the research about links between breast cancer and the environment. The document points out that we can no longer ignore the increasing evidence that repeated exposure to certain chemicals are contributing to the rising incidence of breast cancer each year. Chemicals such as parabans, pesticides, cleansers and pharmaceutical drugs act like estrogens in our bodies. This is troubling, because a woman's vulnerability to breast cancer increases as her lifetime exposure to estrogen increases.

The mounting evidence linking synthetic chemicals to the rising rates of breast cancer is empowering women to make healthy choices in their everyday lives. These choices are preventative.

What can be done to prevent breast cancer and minimize risk? *Choose 100% pure, synthetic chemical free cosmetics. Individuals can make healthy choices regarding the personal products they use daily. Many of these, including lotions, cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners, contain chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer. According to industry estimates, on any given day, a woman may use as many as 25 different cosmetic and personal care products containing more than 200 different chemical compounds. Avoid rubbing these toxic cocktails into your skin by choosing healthy, organic and natural products.

*Be a more informed consumer. Ask critical questions about "pink ribbon promotions" before you purchase a product. The cosmetic industry has been criticized for raising money for breast cancer research by promoting products that may actually contribute to the rising tide of breast cancer. See for ways to demand safer products from cosmetic companies.

*Include high dietary intake of carotenes: dark leafy greens and green and yellow produce.

*Eat foods rich in Vitamin E and Selenium: sunflower seeds, freshly ground wheat, olive oil, flax oil, garlic, onions, and mushrooms.

*Reduce consumption of animal foods that contain hormones, such as milk, chicken, beef, and pork.

*Increase consumption of organically grown foods.

*Create sufficient consumption of Vitamin D: sunlight, 10 minutes daily; sardines and tuna.

*Discover what really moves you and keep moving: gardening, yoga, dance, walking, etc.

*Reduce or eliminate the use of plastic containers for food storage.

*Avoid unnecessary radiation; radiation is cumulative over a lifetime.

*Avoid using pesticides (weed killers, insecticides, etc) in your yard or home.

Join community action groups that support organizations that are investing in research that focus on cause and prevention. Support the "race for the cause".

So when you see those pink ribbons emerge this month, consider that they proclaim "Prevention is the Cure". Laura Weinberg, co-president of The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition says it best, "The old pink ribbon is hope for the future. This pink ribbon is saying there is something we can do today."

Resources: Breast Cancer? Breast Health, Susan Weed

State of Evidence,,

Pathways to Prevention, The Breast Cancer Fund


Cancer risk: Could beauty products have an ugly side? Sue Hutchinson, San Jose Mercury News, September 20 2005.

Use With Discretion, India Statesman, Women's Feature Service, September 4, 2005

### Pamela Cronan-Maddox, herself an ovarian cancer Survivor, is the visionary and president of The Alchemist's Apprentice, Inc., an online apothecary dedicated to providing 100% pure, organic and healthy personal care products.

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Cancer mesothelioma - It is a born killer

What is mesothelioma?

The pericardium is the mesothelial tissue that surrounds and acts as a safeguard to the heart. The pleural mesothelium membrane covers the lungs and chest cavity and peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that enfolds the organs in the abdominal cavity.

What is actually cancer mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that affects the mesothelium, a dual layered membrane with which our chest, lungs, abdomen and the heart is wrapped safely.

Cancer Mesothelioma can damage any of these cells, although pleural mesothelioma is more common; it metastasizes and at an advanced stage the disease reach to the other parts of the body like the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

How is cancer mesothelioma caused?

Though asbestos exposure is the primary reason in 70% to 80% of the cases, mesothelioma can be caused by other means, like exposure to the chemical zeolite that is also present in asbestos.

Asbestos has become part of our daily life being in cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. The asbestos fibers take their toll by going into our windpipe and settling in the internal organs causing the formation of carcinogenic tumors.

The overall scenario regarding cancer mesothelioma

Though there is a ban on certain asbestos products, around 1000 people in France and above 2000 people in the U.S are faced with this nightmare each year.

Mostly, workers from shipyards, asbestos mines and mills are prone to this mishap, due to a constant exposure to asbestos. However, it takes 30 to 50 years for the disease to surface and show symptoms though they are not always accurate.

Cancer mesothelioma is proving more than a menace and the average person live for 12-24 months; the earlier it is detected, the better is the cure process.

The recent picture

Today, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have put restrictions towards maintaining acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace. People who work with asbestos are geared up with individual protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure. Even the family members of the workers are prone to the disease, so they are advised to take a shower before leaving for home.

Symptoms of cancer mesothelioma

- Feeling out of breath and pain in the chest due to an accretion of fluid in the pleura - Peritoneal mesothelioma comprises weight loss and abdominal pain and a bulging abdomen due to accumulation of fluid - Bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever - Pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face

However, a registered medical practitioner can diagnose you correctly.

Diagnosis of cancer mesothelioma

Diagnosis commences with an assessment of the patient's medical history, as well as any history of asbestos exposure. A complete physical examination may be performed, including: - X-rays of the chest or abdomen - A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI may also be useful. A CT scan is a sequence of comprehensive pictures of areas inside the body created by a computer linked to an X-ray machine - In an MRI, a strong magnet connected to a computer is used to draw meticulous pictures of areas affected by cancer mesothelioma inside the body. These pictures are viewed on a monitor and can also be printed - A biopsy regarding the taking out of a sample tissue for examination is needed to verify a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Types of biopsy depending on the location of the tumor are thoracoscopy, peritoneoscopy

Lastly, the stage of the disease is important to the doctor for the correct diagnosis.

Cancer mesothelioma treatment

Treatment of cancer mesothelioma yields results depending on the site of the cancer, the phase of the disease, and the patient's physical condition. The usual treatments for cancer mesothelioma are surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Occasionally, these treatments are combined.

Surgery is an effective way to remove tumor but the age of the person matters. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are good ways to ward off the symptoms.

Often, high-end drugs are given to the patient to reduce the fluid formation in body.

Thus, it is better for the workers to get a medical check up at equal intervals and be aware of its symptoms. If a patient is diagnosed with cancer mesothelioma at the earliest stage, the treatments might do wonders for him.

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Breathing Problems And Backaches? It May Be Cancer!

Multiple Myeloma

In multiple myeloma, abnormal plasma cells (myeloma cells) build up in the bone marrow, forming tumors in many bones of the body. These tumors may prevent the bone marrow from making enough healthy blood cells. Normally, the bone marrow produces stem cells (immature cells) that develop into three types of mature blood cells:

1. Red blood cells that carry oxygen and other materials to all tissues of the body. 2. White blood cells that fight infection and disease. 3. Platelets that help prevent bleeding by causing blood clots to form.

As the number of myeloma cells increases, fewer red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are made. The myeloma cells also damage and weaken the hard parts of the bones. Sometimes multiple myeloma does not cause any symptoms. The following symptoms may be caused by multiple myeloma or other conditions. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:

1. Bone pain, often in the back or ribs. 2. Bones that break easily. 3. Fever for no known reason or frequent infections. 4. Easy bruising or bleeding. 5. Trouble breathing. 6. Weakness of the arms or legs. 7. Feeling very tired.

A tumor can damage the bone and cause hypercalcemia (a condition in which there is too much calcium in the blood). This can affect many organs in the body, including the kidneys, nerves, heart, muscles, and digestive tract, and cause serious health problems.

Other factors affecting prognosis

There are other factors that can affect your prognosis, apart from the stage of your cancer. One consideration is how well you are overall. Doctors call this your 'performance status'. You may see this written PS. A score of 0 means you are completely able to look after yourself. A score of 1 means you can do most things for yourself, but need some help. The scores continue to go up, depending on how much help you need. This is relevant to survival because overall, the fitter people are, the better able they are to withstand their cancer and treatment. This is particularly important in myeloma because fitter patients can withstand more intensive treatment.

What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy uses anti cancer or 'cytotoxic' drugs to destroy cancer cells. They work by disrupting the growth of cancer cells. As they circulate in the blood they can reach cancer cells wherever they are in your body.

Chemotherapy by mouth

Your doctor is more likely to suggest treatment with tablets if you are aged over 70 or are not fit enough to have a stem cell transplant. You will usually have the chemotherapy drugs melphalan or cyclophosphamide. Doctors often give a steroid drug called prednisolone with this chemotherapy. So you may see or hear it called MP or CP.

Occasionally doctors use chemotherapy tablets as initial treatment for people going on to have a stem cell transplant. They might use the chemotherapy drug idarubicin (Zavedos) with steroids. This combination is called Z-Dex.

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Major breakthrough in the understanding of cancer

Hunting for Genetic Mutations and Cancer

The current paradigm in medical research holds that the cause of most cancers is a genetic mutation. For instance, according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), an institute at the NIH, "all cancers are based on genetic mutations in body cells." In fact, mutation hunting is big business. Just look at the NIH budget allocated to discoveries of genetic mutations, the number of biotech companies chasing genetic mutations, the magnitude of the licensing agreements between biotech and pharmaceutical companies aimed to utilize newly discovered genetic mutations, and the number of stories in the media on genetic mutations and their so-called "link" to disease. However, this huge effort and billions of dollars has produced few discoveries and little benefits to the public. The reason for this limited success is simple. The cause of cancer is not a genetic mutation.

The story of the BRCA1 gene is a typical example of mutation hunting.

The Mystery of BRCA1

Genes, in general, produce proteins, which are the building blocks of cells. The concentration of the protein is tightly regulated. A mutated gene produces an abnormal concentration of its protein, which may lead to disease. In 1994, Mark Skolnick, PhD, discovered the BRCA1 gene (BRCA1 is short for BReast CAncer 1). Following the discovery, scientists observed an abnormally low level of the BRCA1 protein in breast cancer tissues. The BRCA1 protein is a cell cycle suppressor, which means that the protein prevents cell replication. This observation created a lot of excitement. At the time, scientists believed that they were on the verge of finding the cause of breast cancer. The reasoning was that breast cancer patients must have a mutated BRCA1 gene, which would explain the decreased production of the protein, and the excessive replication of breast cancer cells in tumors.

In the United States, 180,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year. However, the BRCA1 gene is mutated in less than 5% of these cases. In more than 95% of breast cancer patients the gene is not mutated.

So here is the mystery. If the gene is not mutated in the great majority of the breast cancer patients, why are the tumors showing low levels of the BRCA1 protein? Today, this is one of the biggest mysteries in cancer research.

The BRCA1 gene is not unique. Many normal (non-mutated) genes exhibit a mysterious abnormal (increased or decreased) production of proteins in cancer. Moreover, studies also report abnormal gene expression of normal genes in other diseases, such as atherosclerosis, obesity, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, alopecia, type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, asthma, lupus, thyroiditis, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and graft versus host disease.

According to Dr. Raxit J. Jariwalla in his European Journal of Cancer paper: (Jariwalla RJ. Microcompetition and the origin of cancer. Eur J Cancer. 2005 Jan;41(1):15-9): "The prevalent view of the nature of cancer holds that it is a complex genetic process resulting from the progressive accumulation of mutations in specific cellular genes, such as proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor genes, leading to perturbations in processes involving signal transduction, cell cycle regulation, and/or apoptosis. Genetic instability in tumors has been known for decades, however, the role of genomic instability in causing and promoting tumor growth remains controversial. Furthermore, although many studies report abnormal gene expression in cancer cells, often, no mutations or chemical modifications are observed around the locus of the dysregulated gene(s), suggesting that a genetic alteration is not the initiating event of cancer."

The Discovery

A virus is a collection of genes. To replicate, some viruses settle in the nucleus of the host cell and use the cell machinery to replicate. What is the effect of a viral gene on the production of cellular proteins?

Think of a gene as an assembly line of a protein. Like all assembly lines, the gene has two parts, a conveyor (the gene coding section), and a control panel (the gene promoter/enhancer). Imagine a cellular shop that assembles a product called BRCA1. One of the many buttons on the control panel is called N-box. Pressing the button increases production. However, only a small number of operators (called transcription factors), those who pass a special certification (called the p300 test), have permission to press this button. What happens when a virus opens a shop across the street from the cellular shop (called latent infection) to produce its viral products? The control panel in the viral shop also has an N-box button. To start production, the virus begins to hire away some of the certified operators. What is the effect of this "hiring away" on the number of available BRCA1 units? The number decreases. Moreover, the decrease becomes apparent even before the virus starts production (the "hiring away" is what creates the effect, not the viral proteins). The viral assembly line competes with the BRCA1 assembly line for the certified operators, and by hiring them away prevents the cellular shop from producing the optimum, or "healthy" number of BRCA1 units. The lower number of BRCA1 units leads to excessive cell replication and breast cancer. (See a more technical description in a recent paper published in the European Journal of Cancer.)

The infection with the latent virus causes abnormal production of other genes, and as a result, the development of other chronic diseases. This sequence of events easily explains why people who suffer from obesity are also more likely to suffer from diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, and why a recent large scale study found that a low-fat diet does not protect against breast cancer. It also explains another surprising observation that male pattern baldness is associated with heart disease and prostate cancer. In general, this sequence of events easily explains the numerous observations indicating a co-existence or co-morbidity of some chronic diseases.

This discovery was first described by Dr. Hanan Polansky in his book, Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease, published by The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease.

In his European Journal of Cancer paper, Dr. Raxit J. Jariwalla reports an interesting observation on the microcompetition discovery: "The key point of the theory is that the competing DNA sequences do not bind each other but compete for binding to a limiting transcription complex. In the example cited, the viral DNA and BRCA1 do not bind each other but compete for binding to the limiting GABP*p300/cbp transcription complex. It is interesting that when explaining observations reported in the literature, biologist tend to rely on the traditional physicochemical philosophy which centers on binding/non-binding events, or physical contact between molecules. In contrast, microcompetition with foreign DNA, which in essence is a reallocation of a rare resource, seem to draw on economic rather than physicochemical principles."

To summarize: the cause of cancer, and other chronic diseases, is not a genetic mutation, it is a reallocation of a scarce genetic resource caused by the latent presence of a virus (or other types of foreign DNA).

Reaction of the Scientific Community

What is the scientific community saying about Dr. Polansky's discovery?

Consider what the famous heart surgeon and "Living Legend," Michael E. DeBakey, said about the discovery, "The theory underlying the basic concept concerning the origin of chronic diseases presented by Dr. Polansky is most interesting, indeed fascinating ... Perhaps a symposium could be held to provide a forum for further discussions and critiques of this fascinating theory."

Elena N. Naumova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Tufts University School of Medicine, said, "Dr. Polansky's work compellingly demonstrates a framework that could bring together researchers from different fields. His proposed theory will work its magic by clarifying ambiguous definitions, identifying similarities and differences in various biological processes, and discovering new pathways ... I believe that Dr. Polansky's book will catalyze the scientific learning process, promote interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, stimulate development of treatment strategies and drug discovery, and leave the reader inspired."

Sivasubramanian Baskar, PhD, Senior Scientist from the National Cancer Institute, NIH, said, "At first, I wish to congratulate Dr. Hanan Polansky for his scientific bravery to take such a unique, novel approach to further stimulate our understanding of the origin and establishment of chronic diseases. The philosophy underscored is an excellent one ... The amazing correlation between theoretical predictions and observed in vivo effects seems to bring us a step closer to a deeper understanding of such complex biologic processes."

Marc Pouliot, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Université Laval, Canada, said, "The concept of microcompetition will change our approach in the study of chronic diseases and will furthermore give scientists a higher level of understanding in biology. Presentation of this concept undoubtedly provides a new set of opportunities for attacking chronic diseases ... They lead the way to new approaches in chronic disease treatment."

Howard A. Young, PhD, Section Head, Cellular and Molecular Immunology Section, Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, National Cancer Institute, NIH, said, "In summary, Dr. Polansky is to be applauded for his attempt to provide a unifying basis for chronic diseases. His theories are stimulating and offer a basis for experimental testing and possible treatment."

Page 59

Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and the second most common (after lung cancer) cause of death in this group. However, to some extent, it concerns men as well.Different countries in the world have varying incidence of breast cancer. The West Europe countries and the USA have the highest incidence rates, adequately 35-60/100 000 and 65/100 000, whereas the Far East countries have the lowest rate (i.e. in Japan it is five times lower than in the USA).

Risk factors

Risk factors point to increased risk, that is at higher probability of falling ill among specimens of a given population. The most important risk factors include:

1. Woman's age

Incidence of breast cancer increases with age.

2. Ethnic/geographical factors

These factors, although they have been taken into consideration for years, are extremely difficult to interpret. High breast cancer incidence occurs in the USA and in West Europe, low - in Asian, Far East and African countries. Breast cancer is usually developed in Caucasian women living in a quite cold climate in the highly developed countries. It is dependent upon the influence of the following factors: race, climate, nutrition style, types of the undergone diseases, lifestyle and culture style, family planning, age of the first pregnancy, number of children, breastfeeding's popularity, etc. Black and yellow women become ill more rarely.

3. Family factors

The more affected relatives and the closer degree of kinship to them, the bigger probability of suffering from cancer. The risk increases, if these tumours occurred in ones mother and sister under the age of 35 . Genetically determined breast cancer, which amounts to 10% of all the breast tumours, most often being the result of BRCA1, BRCA2, p53 and ATM genes mutation. Breast cancer can also occur in the course of some inheritably associated syndromes, among others in Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Lynch II syndrome, Cowden's disease, Peutz-Jaeghers syndrome, ataxia-teleangiectasia, Klinefelter syndrome

4. Age of first menstruation and menopause

Appearance of first menses before the age of 12 significantly increases (by about 40%) the risk of breast cancer. Natural menopause appearing after age 55 increases risk of breast cancer twofold. Thus, the most important factor is the total number of years of ovulation activity.

5. Age of first pregnancy and delivery

Women who give birth to their first child in the age of between 20 and 30 have a lower risk of breast cancer. Nulliparous women are more exposed to breast cancer, by almost 50%.

6. Breastfeeding

Women with much lower risk of falling ill protected from breast cancer development by breastfeeding. Even relatively short time of breastfeeding gives some protection

7. Ionising radiation

High doses of X radiation (applied during routine "X-rays") can cause breast cancer. It is worth to stress that the contemporary mammography apparati expose a woman to a minimal dose of radiation.

8. Alcohol and diet

Excessive alcohol consumption for a long period of time increases the risk of breast cancer development, because the liver damage impairs estrogen metabolism (high estrogen concentration increases the risk of falling ill). It is suspected that one of the factors, which increases the breast cancer risk, is food with high content of saturated fat

9. Obesity

Obesity increases the risk of breast cancer development, as it is more difficult to find breast changes in obese people . moreover, fat cells produce estrogens

10. Exogenous hormones (hormone contraceptives)

It is believed that oral contraceptives (which include mainly estrogens), even if they are connected with breast cancer, act as a factor facilitating and accelerating the development of the disease, which has already appeared, rather than a factor causing genetic mutations and evoking disease. It is also believed that pills that are made only of progesterone and so called minipills don't increase the breast cancer risk. The pills may increase the risk in genetically loaded women or women using oral contraceptives for at least 8 years until first pregnancy. It is believed that preparations which include progesterone alone, don't affect the risk for breast cancer appearance. However, preparations that include progesterone and estrogens may influence the tumour appearance. The risk is growing for women taking hormone medications longer than 8 years.


Breast cancer is treated locally or generally, although some patients may undergo both types of treatment. Local treatment consists in surgical removal or destruction of the lesion. General treatment (chemotherapy, hormone therapy) aims at inhibiting the tumour process or decreasing the size of tumour before operation and it is also applied in significant disease progression instead of surgery. Surgical treatment is the most common way to treat breast cancer. Patients in I0 and II0 clinical progression are qualified for the surgical treatment . The most often performed surgery is the modified breast amputation by Patey's way (excision of the breast gland together with the axillary lymph nodes, without removing the breast muscles). Some patients are qualified for breast conserving treatment.

Such possibility exists in the following cases:

- TisN0M0

- T1N0M0

- T1N1M0

- T2N0-1M0 (tumour not bigger than 3cm in a mammographic measurement)

- Possibility of removing the tumour with a margin of healthy tissue

- Satisying cosmetic effect foreseen

- Patient's consent to breast conserving treatment

- The lack of contraindications

The absolute contraindications include:

1. Multicentric cancer

2. Cancer relapse after the previous breast conserving treatment

3. Previous undergoing of breast irradiation

4. No possibility of getting the margin of healthy tissue

The relative contraindications include:

1. Pregnancy

2. Foreseen unsatisfying cosmetic effect

3. Connective tissue disease (collagenosis)

Breast Conserving Treatment (BCT) includes replacing tumour within healthy tissues and regional axillary lymph nodes. The following ways of breast tumour removal are distinguished:

- tylectomy

- removing the tumour with a margin of at least 2cm. If the margin from the muscles' side is smaller than cm, the tumour must be removed together with fascia,

- wide excision, lumpectomy

- removing the tumour together with the bulk unchanged tissues margin of 1 cm. This margin can be smaller from the muscles side, but then fascia has to be removed.

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Don''t Be Fooled By Cosmetic Claims

The label on a cosmetic product may reassure you that the product is natural and caring, free of harsh and unwanted ingredients, or has special or gentle properties, but the terms used can be downright misleading as they have no standard meaning. We decode some questionable claims to reveal the plain truth.

Natural or Organic

NATURAL can mean anything to anybody. Some manufacturers may use the term to imply that the product will not moldy, or is harmless.

The term however, is more commonly used to describe ingredients which are extracted directly from plants or animal products, as opposed to being produced synthetically.

But in what concentration the natural ingredient occurs- whether its 100%, 80% or just 50%- is anyones guess. As far as allergies or irritations go, natural is no better than synthetic.

Some natural ingredients in cosmetics can cause allergic reactions. If you have an allergy to certain plants or animals, you could have an allergic reaction to cosmetics, containing these ingredients. For instance, lanolin, extracted from sheep wool, is an ingredient in many moisturizers and is a common cause of allergies.

According to a 1996 Danish survey, 35% of natural cosmetics have allergenic fragrances and it is common for natural perfumes to have the most allergenic fragrance.

Impure and unsafe

And natural plant extracts does not mean pure, clean of perfect either. According to the cosmetic trade journal, Drug and Cosmetic Industry, all plants (including those used in cosmetics) can be heavily contaminated with bacteria, and pesticides and chemical fertilizers are widely used to improve crop yields.

Some plants can also contain toxin ingredients. For example, comfrey (an ingredient in certain herbal cosmetics) which contains substances known as pyrrolizidine alkaloids , is potentially poisonous if absorbed through cracked or broken skin.


Because natural beauty and hygiene items are becoming big business, some not-so-natural manufacturers are trying to capitalize on the market and putting the word natural on their product labels.

Their products may sound natural, with their jojoba oil, honey, herbs and wheatgerm oil for example, but they may also contain such unnatural ingredients as artificial colours, fragrances and preservatives.

Natural products which use natural preservatives, like naturally occurring Vitamins E and C, are not any safer either. According to Alexander Fischer, M.D author of Contact Dermatitis, Topical Vitamin E is a potent sensitizer which can produce both delayed allergenic contact dermatitis and immediate allergic hives.

Gerald McKnight, author of The Skin Game, warns that organic essences and ingredients which are being increasingly used in cosmetics today, are not only more likely to set up allergic reactions, they also tend to deteriorate more quickly.

Cruelty free or Not tested on animals

THERE are no legal definitions for these or other similar terms used on product labels. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), some companies product may apply such claims solely to their finished cosmetic products. However, these companies may rely on raw material suppliers or contract laboratories to perform any animal testing necessary to substantiate product or ingredient safety.

Many raw materials used in cosmetics today were tested on animals years ago when they were first introduced. A cosmetic manufacturer might use only those raw materials and base their crulty free claims on the fact that the materials or products are not currently tested on animals.

Hence while claims that a product has not been tested on animals are basically true, the inished products- labeled or not- rarely are. According to experts, the term cruelty free is also used rather loosely. While for some companies it can mean that the product is not tested on animals, for others it means the product contains no animal ingredients.

For still others, it could mean that the company has declared a moratorium on animal testing, or didnt test on that particular product, but still tests other products on animals, or at least hasnt ruled out testing in the future.

(see also separate topics on safety of animal tests, and animal by-products in cosmetics)

Unscented & Fragrance free

THESE two terms sound alike but they are not. Unscented means that nothing has been added to a product to enhance its smell. However, something could have been added to mask another smell e.g: the fatty odor of soap, or other unpleasant odors in unscented antiperspirants and vaginal lubricants)

Fragrance free usually means that no perfumes, oils or scents have been added toa product. However, even this definition is not foolproof. A small amount could still have been added to mask unpleasant base odors or chemical smells.

According to the US FDA, the above expressions have no legal definitions and are presently used by the cosmetic industry virtually without restriction. Beware of non-fragranced or without perfume products too. These often have aromatics such as sandalwood oil and lavender essence that create a slight scent. Other similarly suspicious terms are lightly scented and non-lingering fragrance.

Oil free

DOES oil free mean that a product contains no oil? It depends on how you define oil free, and unfortunately, the cosmetics industry defines oil differently than a consumer might. In the cosmetics industry, an oil is defined as having a specific chemical formula. If an ingredient does not have this formula, it does not have to be called an oil, even if it behaves like an oil.

In other words, a product can obtain a substance that clogs pores (just like an oil), but if it does not have the chemical formula for oil, it is not considered an oil. Unless you have oily or acne-prone skin, there is nothing wrong with oils in cosmetics- they are fundamental ingredients that have been used for centuries to care for the skin.

Some manufacturers will state their product is non-greasy, although it may contain mineral oil for instance- it comes down to a subjective judgment about how you think the product feels. Oil free may be a desirable factor in a cleanser for instance, if you have oily skin. But dont be misled. According to Face Facts, a 1994 book published by the Australian Consumers Association, the phrase has been spotted describing products such as toners which you wouldnt expect to contain oil anyway.


100% of something is another popular labeling trick used to describe a cosmetic product. There is no standard use of this claim. A product may be promoted as containing 100% aloe vera. However, this does not necessarily mean that the entire product is aloe vera.

It could mean that the amount of aloe vera used in the product is 100% (ie pure aloe vera which has not been diluted with anything). But the product itself is not wholly made up of aloe vera, and has other ingredients as well. It is also questionable whether the 100% ingredient has been included in an amount that is sufficient to have any effect. Or is it there just to help sell the product?

Non-comedogenic or Non-acnegenic

NON-COMEDOGENIC is an unnecessarily big word with a simple meaning- that a product will not clog pores. A clogged pore causes comedones (white heads which may eventually become blackheads and then pimples)

This term (another variation is non-acnegenic) on a product means that the manufacturer has tried to eliminate the chemicals that have been known or tested in a laboratory animal to have comedones. Besides being an ethical question in itself, animals do not necessarily react as humans do- so the results may not be totally accurate.

In addition, a product could have oils in it that are comedogenic, but if the product passes certain tests, it can be labeled non-comedogenic.

Alcohol free

ALCOHOL FREE products are believed to be gentler on the skin or hair, and less dryng. Cosmetic products claimed to be alcohol free usually not contain ethyl alcohol (also known as grain alcohol) which has a drying effect.

But according to the US FDA, cosmetic products, whether labeled alcohol free or not, may contain other alcohols suc as cetyl, stearyl, cetearyl, or lanolin- all of which are called fatty alcohols- although these have a different set of effects on the skin or body. The bottom line is alcohol free is also a misleading term.